Accelerating Sovereign Industrial Capabilities (ASIC) Program

The Defence Trailblazer is issuing an open call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for up to $12 million funding to enable faster commercialisation of larger scale defence research & development (R&D) activities and collaborations focused on delivering capabilities in the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities outlined in the Defence Industry Development Strategy.

Project proposals will be sought from industry (i.e. with an ABN / ACN) based in Australia and involving at least one Defence Trailblazer research university (University of Adelaide and/or UNSW). New industry partners are encouraged, but existing partners can also apply; collaborative projects involving one or more industry partners are highly encouraged. Defence Trailblazer can assist with identifying appropriate capabilities at universities and existing industry partners.

Up to $12 million in funding will be available. Successful applicants will be required to provide matched co-contributions (cash). Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate an ability to build scale in research and development with a stronger weighting given towards small-medium enterprise (SME) led and multi-party project proposals; and projects which include substantial in-kind contributions from industry.

Accessing Defence Trailblazer’s other initiatives including student internships, projects and placements, Proto-Lab Network (facilities and equipment) and the staff mobility program are also encouraged as part of project proposals.

The objective of the Program:

  • Enable larger scale research, development, and innovation with a drive for faster translation into minimum viable capabilities. It is envisaged the grant will support industry partners to de-risk product development and scale up their enterprise.
  • Leverage existing and/or build new sovereign defence industrial strengths in areas of strategic priority to meet Defence’s needs.
  • Establish new collaborative partnerships with leading researchers and industry partners. 


Submit Your Expression of Interest

Research Project themes

The ASIC Research Project themes align to the Defence Sovereign Industrial Priorities as outlined in the Defence Industry Development Strategy.


On-demand recording

The Defence Trailblazer team shared information regarding the new ASIC program and the main differences between it and the existing Defence Trailblazer funding program.


The ASIC Program funds research and development (R&D) activities (including the purchase of equipment and staffing) based at one or both Defence Trailblazer universities – the University of Adelaide or UNSW. Purchasing assets/equipment over $50,000 requires Department of Education approval. Funds cannot be used for in-house (industry) R&D including in-house labour, facilities and/or equipment. If you wish to fund R&D (including labour, facilities, equipment) in-house/at your workplace, please consider the Defence Trailblazer Technology Development and Acceleration (TDA) program.


  • ASIC Projects must be closely aligned with the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities outlined in the Defence Industry Development Strategy with a clear end-use customer identified.
  • Proposals must demonstrate a strong collaborative team to deliver a larger scale project. While there is no minimum grant amount specified, preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate ability to build scale in research and development.
  • It is envisaged that successful projects will develop a minimum viable product (MVP) demonstrator/proof-of-concept (e.g., laboratory validation or early-stage prototype). Successful participants and existing partners will have access to the proto-lab network. This network provides the necessary facilities and equipment to help transform early-stage ideas into more refined prototypes or MVPs.
  • Once projects have been selected there will be a maximum of 6 weeks by which time a formal contract must be executed or the arrangements may be terminated.
  • ASIC Projects need to be completed by December 2026.


  • There is a requirement for minimum 1:1 matched (cash) funding for the amount that is requested from the ASIC program ($1 ASIC funding to $1 provided by participants). This total amount will make up the ASIC Project funds.
  • There is no minimum grant amount specified, however, preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate ability to build scale in research and development.
  • Proposals which include substantial in-kind contributions from industry parties will be prioritised. In-kind can include labour, facilities, equipment, donated items, software licenses, or essential goods and services required to facilitate the project.
  • ASIC Project funds must be allocated to and used within at least one of the Defence Trailblazer universities (University of Adelaide and/or UNSW) to undertake research and development activities required by the project. Relevant university in-kind will also be contributed to the ASIC Project.

KEY Dates

Accelerating Sovereign Industrial Capabilities (ASIC) Program Expressions of Interest Open28 May 2024
Online Information Session5 June 2024
Close of Expressions of Interest for ASIC grants Deadline extended until 24 July 2024


ASIC Project Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Strategic Alignment
    • Must be closely aligned with the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities outlined in the Defence Industry Development Strategy with a clear end user identified.
  • Impacts
    • Projects will develop a minimum viable product (MVP) demonstrator/proof-of-concept (e.g., laboratory validation or early-stage prototype).
    • Demonstrates impact in regional Australia, such as working with regional partners, students and suppliers or has established regional facility.
    • Projects will involve the recruitment or development of staff to undertake the research.
  • Utilisation
    • Has a clear end-user.
    • Has a clear commercialisation pathway.
  • Research
    • Collaborative – project involves multiple partners and/or diverse businesses.
    • Brings together high-quality team.
    • Has high quality research outcomes as an objective.
    • Builds and develops the attraction and retention of talent for an advanced technology workforce and Australia’s defence industry future.
  • Project Management
    • Well-developed project methodology – defines strategy, milestones and budget.
    • Well-developed risk and opportunity assessment.
    • Budgets represent value for money leveraged with investments of both cash and in-kind by project partners.

Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate an ability to build scale in research and development with a stronger weighting given towards small-medium enterprise (SME) led and multi-party project proposals; and projects which include substantial in-kind contributions from industry.

Apply for ASIC
funding by
24 July 2024

Submit Your Expression of Interest

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do you have to be an existing Defence Trailblazer partner to apply for ASIC?

No. New industry partners can apply.

What does ASIC funding cover?

The ASIC program funds research and development (R&D) activities (including the purchase of equipment and staffing) based at one or both Defence Trailblazer universities – the University of Adelaide or UNSW. Purchasing assets/equipment over $50,000 requires Department of Education approval. Funding cannot be used for in-house (industry) R&D including in-house labour, facilities and/or equipment. If you wish to fund R&D (including labour, facilities, equipment) in-house/at your workplace, please consider the Defence Trailblazer Technology Development and Acceleration (TDA) program.

What’s happening with TDA?

Defence Trailblazer’s existing TDA program will continue alongside the new ASIC program, maintaining its existing format with no change to the five research theme priorities, or funding model. This is to ensure that existing partners’ commitments and projects remain unchanged.

If I am an existing partner who already has a project under contract that meets ASIC criteria, can I re-submit this project proposal under the ASIC program – i.e. have it transferred?

No. Projects already under contract cannot apply for the ASIC program, or request for funding to be changed/switched to the new program. However, if you have a new project proposal, you can apply for either ASIC or TDA program(s).

Can industry partners switch to ASIC from TDA?

Yes. If your current TDA project proposal is not under contract, you can apply for the ASIC program with the project proposal. However, please be aware that the ASIC program is a competitive process with set timeframes, and it is not guaranteed that a project will be successful, or that 100% of the funding requested will be offered. The Defence Trailblazer will continue to progress existing TDA project proposals unless notified otherwise.

What is the difference between ASIC and the current TDA program, which is funded through the Advanced Innovation Fund (AIF)?

There are several differences between the ASIC and TDA programs, including the funding leverage model and research priorities. It is important to note that the ASIC program is a competitive program for the funding of R&D activities based at the University of Adelaide and/or UNSW with set timeframes and using a merit-based assessment process. The current TDA program provides greater flexibility for industry in terms of timeframes and what is funded (e.g. the business’ own equipment, labour, facilities etc.). A detailed table outlining the differences can be found here.

Why is the leverage funding model different in ASIC compared to the TDA program?

The leverage funding model in the ASIC program is $1.00 : $1.00 cash contribution by both the Defence Trailblazer and Industry. This is different to TDA program as this is comparative to other R&D programs.

The TDA program is a leverage model of $0.50 (Defence Trailblazer) : $1:00 (Industry) because this program provides greater flexibility in terms of funding, including industry’s own staff salaries, equipment and facilities

Is there a minimum project size?

There is no minimum grant amount specified, however, preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate an ability to build scale in R&D. Proposals which include substantial in-kind contributions from industry parties will be prioritised. In-kind contributions can include labour, facilities, equipment, donated items, software licenses, or essential goods and services required to facilitate the project.

If my project proposal is successful, can you guarantee that 100% of the requested funding will be allocated to my project?

Best endeavours will be made to allocate all requested funding, but the Defence Trailblazer cannot guarantee 100% of requested funding amount(s).

What is the Intellectual Property (IP) arrangement?

The default position is that IP will be industry-owned.



If you would like to discuss your project, please contact the Defence Trailblazer Partnerships team: